For the agreed 2 Investment & Cooperation Agreements all Parties will  Übersetzung - For the agreed 2 Investment & Cooperation Agreements all Parties will  Slowakisch wie soll ich sagen

For the agreed 2 Investment & Coope

For the agreed 2 Investment & Cooperation Agreements all Parties will work closely together for the mutual benefit.
Each Party bears the costs for their Investment; the other Party has no right to require financial compensation for their help.
Each Party will send, together with the signed agreement, a corporate RWA assuming legal responsibility of being able to perform the transaction and accepting to pay 2% of total amount of contract in case of no performance.

Von: Englisch
Zu: Slowakisch
Ergebnisse (Slowakisch) 1: [Kopieren]
For the agreed 2 Investment & Cooperation Agreements all Parties will work closely together for the mutual benefit.Each Party bears the costs for their Investment; the other Party has no right to require financial compensation for their help.Each Party will send, together with the signed agreement, a corporate RWA assuming legal responsibility of being able to perform the transaction and accepting to pay 2% of total amount of contract in case of no performance.
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Ergebnisse (Slowakisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Pre dohodnutých 2 investičných dohôd o spolupráci všetky strany budú úzko spolupracovať k obojstrannému prospechu.
Každá strana znáša náklady na ich investície; druhá strana nemá právo požadovať finančnú náhradu za ich pomoc.
Každá strana bude posielať spolu s podpísanou dohodou, podnikovému RWA za predpokladu, že právna zodpovednosť je schopný vykonávať transakcie a prijatie zaplatiť 2% z celkovej sumy obstarávania prípad žiadny výkon.

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